Practice Areas
Ashen Family Law specializes in Family Law Representation & Mediation Services
Paula is a family law mediator and offers mediation services to clients in the Denver Metro Area. Whether you are going through a divorce, child custody litigation, or a combination of the two, Paula is a knowledgeable mediator who listens and strives to reach creative solutions that fit specific needs of your family. If it is your first mediation prior to the entry of permanent orders or your 10th post-decree mediation, Paula is here to help you reach a creative and long-lasting solution. In addition to private mediation, Paula offers mediation at ODR rates in certain cases. Please contact us to schedule your family law mediation. Mediation is available via Zoom or in person and we offer 2 hour, 4 hour, full day, and multi-day mediation appointments.

Attorneys at Law
If you are in need of a domestic relations attorney, Paula is highly qualified and experienced to represent you in all family law matters, including but not limited to the following areas: Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Union, Legal Separation, High asset cases (including but not limited to business and property valuation), Complex child custody, High profile family law cases, Interstate custody & UCCJEA cases, Cases involving Maintenance (alimony), Division of assets and debt, Parenting Time (visitation), Child Support, Paternity, Grandparent rights, Allocation of parental rights and responsibilities, Post decree litigation (including child support, maintenance, parenting time, and contempt).

If you find yourself going through divorce or child custody litigation, you and the other parent of your child often won’t agree. In those cases, Paula is here to help! Paula acts as PC/DMs (Parenting Coordinator or Decision Maker) in the Denver Metro Area. These appointments usually come at the end of the case. As a PC, Paula can assist you in the resolution of disputes between you and the other parent concerning parental responsibilities, including but not limited to implementation of the court-ordered parenting plan. As a DM, Paula would have binding authority to resolve disputes between you and the other parent to implement or clarify existing orders concerning your minor children, including but not limited to disputes concerning parenting time, specific disputed parental decisions, and child support.

Child and Family Investigator (CFI)
Paula Ashen is available for appointment as a CFI in Denver, Jefferson, and Adams counties. Paula was a Special Advocate (the precursor to a CFI) prior to the codification of the CFI and has decades of experience investigating and making recommendations in the best interest of minor children.
Ashen Family Law also offers domestic relations arbitration for all family law matters in the Denver Metro area. Please contact us to learn more.